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Social Safety Issue #0
New Prices!
Ebook: $5.00
Paperback: $9.99
Social Safety is a children's comic book about teaching children about predators, avoiding them, and helping parents with this conversation. It's a tough one to have, and we don't want you to deal with this on your own.
This is my zero issue, meaning it is a proof of concept book. 
The book's class subject is Supervisors!
 - We explain what a supervisor is.
 - Give examples of who supervisors are.
 - How supervisors can keep us safe when making new friends!
In this comic, you will find:
  • Full story
  • Games
  • Quizzes and challenges to help improve comprehension of the subject​
  • And an 8-page coloring book!
Social Safety Issue #1

In development!


This issue's lesson is about staying near our supervisors and learning about our personal space. And guess what? We get to use bubbles in today’s lesson! Join us as we learn another lesson in social safety! Includes over 50 pages of story, examples, quizzes, challenges, games, and coloring pages! Check back for updates, and thanks for your interest in social safety!

Social Safety: Supervisor Edition Issue #0

eBook: $5.00

Paperback (Available soon): $7.99


This supervisor edition of Social safety is meant for an adult audience. With this series, I can speak more bluntly about certain topics that may be too intense for children.

This book contains:

Information of our subject matter and plans for Social Safety!

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