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Placing Our Dreams into Your Hands
Social Safety Issue #1
In development!
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Check out our first lineup of Clothes, Home decor, and accessories featuring designs from The Orange Dragon!



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Social Safety Issue #0
New Prices!
Ebook: $5.00
Paperback: $9.99
Social Safety is a children's comic book about teaching children about predators, avoiding them, and helping parents with this conversation. It's a tough one to have, and we don't want you to deal with this on your own.
In this series, you will find:
  • Full story
  • Games
  • Quizzes and challenges to help improve comprehension of the subject​
Castigation: Manual of Alouette Issue #0
New eBook Price!
Ebook: $5.00
Paperback: $19.99
For readers of 18years or older
This is an introductory/ Collectors manual of my new series, Castigation. Join Taman, and he rushes after the monsters that destroyed his village! 
This book contains:
  • Map of Alouette
  • Species information
  • abilities and power system
  • Character concept arts
  • Character descriptions
  • and a sneak peek into future projects!
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Social Safety: Supervisor Edition Issue #0

eBook: $5.00

Paperback (Available soon): $7.99


This supervisor edition of Social safety is meant for an adult audience. With this series, I can speak more bluntly about certain topics that may be too intense for children.

This book contains:

Information of our subject matter and plans for Social Safety!

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What is TManTails Arts LLC About?
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TManTails Arts LLC is a multimedia company. Our objective is to promote the works of artists.


We currently produce our comic books through Amazon's services.

We produce community projects.


Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you or if you wish to help us by emailing tmtartsofficial@gmailcom or contact me on one of the social media links on this site.


  Thanks for checking out my website. I've always daydreamed about making action-packed packed comic books since I was ten years old. So here it is. Well, my first series isn't action-packed at all. But I couldn't dream of starting as a comic book creative without this book being my first work published.


  Social Safety is a companion comic book for parents, supervisors, and children. This comic was created to start early conversations to help children and their parents deal with handling, preventing, avoiding predatory natures, and resolving any trauma that may have already happened to the child. I aim to help improve childhood growth, safety, and behavior with this book while strengthening the relationship between parent and child by aiding parents in teaching their kids how to be safe in social situations, independent, problem solvers, critical thinkers,  and supporters to healing those that have suffered from predators. I want to help make the next generation of safer, capable, safe, kind, and alert children.


I want to help others with their artwork as well.   TManTails Arts LLC. will be a platform for artists to branch out and help each other. I want this to become a type of hub for all media art forms. I plan to gather artists, promote their products, and share resources to help each other continuously improve. It is going to take some time to figure it all out, so in the meantime, please enjoy our books.


Thank you once again for taking the time out to visit our new home. Peace.

My Books

Social Safety Issue #0

eBook: $5.00

Paperback:  $9.99

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Social Safety Issue #1

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Age 18+ Content

Castigation: Manual of Alouette #0

eBook: $5.00

Paperback:  $19.99

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Age 18+ Content

Castigation Issue #0


Social Safety

Supervisor Edition

eBook: $5.00

Paperback $7.99

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Orange Dragon


My Books
Social media links

Social Safety Facebook

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